
The program of the NanoQI 2017 school (including lecture abstracts, poster submissions and list of participants) can be downloaded here: NanoQI Program

Final Program: each of our seven Lecturers will give two lectures a 1:30h (+5min break) each. In addition, there will be three talks, a poster session, and a concluding plenary discussion.

The slides will be made available for school participants after the school.

Sunday 23

  17:00 - 19:00 Registration
  18:00 - 21:00 Welcome reception

Monday 24


    8:30 - 9:00 Registration
    9:00 - 9:10 Welcome
    9:10 - 10:45 Lecture 1: Gross
  10:45 - 11:15 Coffee break
  11:15 - 12:50 Lecture 2: Yelin
  12:50 - 15:15 Lunch break
  15:15 - 16:50 Lecture 3: Refael
  16:50 - 17:20 Coffee break
  17:20 - 18:55 Lecture 4: Jelezko
  19:00 Posters and Refreshments

Tuesday 25

    9:00 - 10:35 Lecture 5: Jelezko
  10:35 - 11:15 Coffee break
  11:15 - 12:50 Lecture 6: Refael
  12:50 - 15:15 Lunch break
  15:15 - 16:50 Lecture 7: Yelin
  16:50 - 17:20 Coffee break
  17:20 - 18:55 Lecture 8: Gross

Wednesday 26

    9:00 - 10:35 Lecture 9: Vandersypen
  10:35 - 11:15 Coffee break
  11:15 - 12:50 Lecture 10: Polzik
  12:50 - 15:15 Lunch
 15:15 - 16:00 Talk: Lukin
 16:00 - 16:45 Talk: Imamoglu
 21:00 School Dinner

Thursday 27

    9:00 - 10:35 Lecture 11: Marquardt
  10:35 - 11:15 Coffee break
  11:15 - 12:50 Lecture 12: Vandersypen
  12:50 - 15:15 Lunch break
  15:15 - 16:50 Lecture 13: Polzik

Friday 28

9:00 - 10:35 Lecture 14: Marquardt
10:35 - 11:15 Coffee break
11:15 - 12:00 Talk: Cirac
12:00 - 12:45 Concluding Discussion
13:00 Lunch
  end of school
  • Ignacio Cirac(MPQ): Quantum optics with emitters in waveguides
    Recent progress in nano-fabrication and atomic physics allowes us to couple atoms (or other emitters) to structured waveguides. In this talk I will report on different opportunities that are opened up by those systems, including the observation of many-photon bound states, the preparation of Fock states, the simulation of long-range spin interacting models, or the observation of exotic features in collective decays.
  • Rudolf Gross (TU Munich): Superconducting Quantum Circuits>
    Superconducting quantum circuits operated at mK temperature can be flexibly engineered using modern micro- and nano-fabrication techniques. These quantum electronic circuits are successfully used to study fundamental quantum effects and develop components for applications in quantum technology. Examples are the tailoring of light-matter interaction, the development of sources and detectors for quantum light, or the implementation of quantum information processing, quantum metrology and quantum simulation systems.
    In this lecture, I will give an introduction to the physical foundations of superconducting quantum circuits as well as the technologies required for their fabrication and characterization. I also will address some recent developments and future directions.
  • Atac Imamoglu (ETH): Polaritons: a driven-dissipative many-body system
  • Fedor Jelezko (U Ulm): Quantum sensing and quantum simulation in diamond
    The main focus of this lecture is application of solid state spin qubits in diamond in quantum simulation and quantum metrology will be discussed. Photophysics of NV centers in diamond will be presented and particular attention will be focused on optical readout of spin states. We will show details of nanofabrication of NV centers using ion implantation. Isotopic nanoengineering of diamond will be discussed and experiments towards realization of quantum simulator in diamond will be presented. Application of NV centers in diamond for nanoscale NMR and MRI will be shown.
  • Mikhail Lukin (Harvard): Probing many-body dynamics on a programmable 51atom quantum simulator
    Controllable, coherent many-body systems provide unique insights into fundamental properties of quantum matter, allow for the realization of novel quantum phases, and may ultimately lead to computational systems that are exponentially superior to existing classical approaches. Here, we demonstrate a novel platform for the creation of controlled many-body quantum matter. Our approach makes use of deterministically prepared, reconfigurable arrays of individually controlled, cold atoms. Strong, coherent interactions are enabled by coupling to atomic Rydberg states. We realize a programmable Ising-type quantum spin model with tunable interactions and system sizes of up to 51 qubits. Within this model we observe transitions into ordered states (Rydberg crystals) that break various discrete symmetries, verify high-fidelity preparation of ordered states, and investigate dynamics across the phase transition in large arrays of atoms.
    In particular, we observe a novel type of robust many-body dynamics corresponding to persistent oscillations of crystalline order after a sudden quantum quench. These observations enable new approaches for exploring many-body phenomena and open the door for realizations of novel quantum algorithms.
  • Florian Marquardt (U Erlangen): Cavity Optomechanics
    In this lecture, I will give an introduction to cavity optomechanics, i.e. the interaction between radiation and mechanical vibrations. I will then cover modern applications. In particular I will show how optomechanical effects could be exploited to engineer the transport of photons and phonons in future optomechanical arrays.
  • Eugene Polzik (NBI): Nanomechanics meets atoms through photons
    Quantum mechanics has recently become really “mechanics” with the development of nanomechanical oscillators where quantum effects of motion can be observed. A prime example is cooling of nanomechanical oscillators to the ground state of motion that has been recently achieved. A question of fundamental and practical relevance is now, how well can motion of an object be monitored? A standard quantum limit (SQL) on the precision of measurement of motion stemming from the Heisenberg uncertainty principle sets a limit on how well the trajectory of an oscillator can be traced. The SQL comes as a result of a balance between the knowledge obtained by a measurement and the disturbance caused by the measurement. Light is a natural measurement agent which causes can naturally couple to mechanical objects through the radiation pressure force. Recently, an approach to overcome the SQL on the motion has been proposed. It involves a joint quantum measurement of the mechanical oscillator and an atomic spin oscillator. The latter plays the role of an effective negative mass oscillator.
  • Gil Refael (Caltech): Universal quantum computation with Majorana nanowires
    Majorana fermions offer the easiest route to topologically protected quantum computing. In my talk I will first explore the nature of Majorana states, and how Majorana states can be realized in various solid-state platforms. Next, I will discuss their possible use for quantum computation, finishing with the recipe for realizing a robust magic gate in Majorana systems.
  • Lieven Vandersypen (TU Delft): Quantum computation and simulation with quantum dots
    Quantum computation has captivated the minds of many for almost two decades. For most of that time, it was seen mostly as an extremely interesting scientific problem. In the last few years, we have entered a new phase as the belief has grown that a large-scale quantum computer may actually be built. Quantum bits encoded in the spin state of individual electrons in silicon quantum dot arrays, have emerged as a highly promising direction. Recently, the same platform is considered as the basis for quantum simulation. In this talk, I will introduce the basics of quantum dots and electron spin qubits, summarise the state-of-the-art and outline current and future directions.
  • Susanne Yelin (U Conn/Harvard): Photon manipulation with cooperative atomically thin surfaces
    The goal of these lectures is to understand how cooperative effects, Dicke states, and entanglement are related, and how these effects can be used for quantum information science, or quantum nonlinear optics and topological optical physics. I'll first introduce Dicke states and dipole-dipole interaction caused cooperative effects, and briefly talk about the role of entanglement in this system. In the second lecture, these ideas will be applied to a 2D atomically thin mirrors that allows resonant linear and non-linear photon operations using a clear division between radiant and subradiant modes and how this idea can be used for quantum information science.